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Child Adoption & Custody


Child Matters

Arlingsworth’s family lawyers specialise in providing a comprehensive child-centric approach, where the well-being and best interests of children take precedence in all decision-making.  Our guidance is tailored towards the welfare of the child, informed by extensive experience. We provide practical solutions that aim to mitigate any distress for children involved. In urgent situations, you can rely on us for prompt, strategic and clear advice.

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    Arlingsworth’s family team can advise you on all of the following areas in relation to legal matters concerning children:

    Our clients’ primary concern often revolves around the well-being of their children in the aftermath of a divorce or separation. We recognise that every child is unique and responds differently to their parents’ separation. To provide comprehensive support, we may collaborate with other specialised professionals such as child and family therapists, counsellors, mediators, and child psychologists.

    We understand that what worked for one family may not be suitable for yours. Taking the time to understand your specific goals and priorities, we strive to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

    While court-imposed solutions may not always align with the best interests of our clients and their children, there are situations where a court process becomes necessary and unavoidable. In such cases, we call upon our vast experience and expertise to guide you through the process, ensuring you receive dedicated and robust representation throughout.


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